Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tagines drying

Pretty happy with my first effort - making another one in white this time

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some new work in progress

Top of Daves tagine

Bottom of Daves tagine

Experiment with stained clay on MQF - mid fired clay - never done anything like this one before!!

More stained thrown bowls for a test!

Brookvale TAFE end of year exhibition

Lots of good work on show!!!

Some new stuff from TAFE

I have loads more thngs to photograph but I am taking my time getting the photos right this time - would never guess I have a degree in photography...

Keanes 5B with Chris' matt black in oxidation

Keanes porcelain with Chris' Celadon in reduction

Can't rememeber the clay but this is Soda fired with Chris' celadon

Red Raku with TAFEs fishscale

Boels and mug are Keans porcelain with Chris' celadon and the big plate is Keanes 5B with Tenmoku and fishscale from TAFE

Some bits and pieces will be on sale at Brookvale TAFE end of year show opening on Wednesday 1st December. I will post the invite too...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Test tiles and bowls

tiles tiles and more tiles!

Apple green/blue glaze in oxidation on Keanes porcelain

Apple green/blue glaze in oxidation on Keanes porcelain

Ishii blue celadon line blend on Keans porcelain and 181 in reduction

celadon to tenmoku line blend using base for Ishiis celadon with wollastonite

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My first glaze firing

All cones down and nothing stuck to my kiln shelves!!!

Very happy individual!

Ready for my next bisque firing.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Refired test for some plates & blue celadon

5B - Chun with Chris' white matt drizzled in reduction

Blue celedon test tiles from the right RGH, Keanes white porcelain and 5B in reducion

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Refired glaze on glaze tests

Left - Harry Memmott with Chris' drizzle
Right - Chun with Chris' drizzle

Both in oxidation

Glaze on glaze testing

From left to right

Chris' white with tenmoku drizzle
Chris' white with Chris' choc drizzle
Tenmoku with Chun drizzle
Tenmoku with Bright green drizzle

All in Oxidation on 5B

Changing Candy Apple glaze to blue - line blend

Candy apple base glaze + 2 copper carbonate cup 1
Candy apple base glaze + 2 copper carbonate + 1 cobalt carbonate cup 7

In oxidation

Top row is 5B
Bottom row is Keanes porcelain

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Random glaze recipe all fixed up

Initially this recipe had barium in it which can't be used on functional wear - so I wanted to take it out.

Recipe is now:

Soda Feldspar 42
Whiting 8
Zinc Oxide 50
Bentonite 2

It works in both oxidation (matt) and reduction (glossy)

Tests have been done on 5B, Keanes Porcelain and RGH

Top row in oxidation and the bottom row reduction

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My first firing

This is the results of my first firing - unfortunately I programmed my bisque to go to 960 degrees and used Orton cone 06. So the cone didn't go down, but apparently the pots should be ok.

I was so nervous - but feel happy that it all went ok, still a bit of work to do trying to figure out the controller!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Test tiles and glaze on glaze results

Green Apple glaze with Copper Carbonate stain.

First to rows in oxidation (Keanes white porcelain & 5B)

Last row in reduction (5B)

Green Apple glaze with Pastel Green stain.

First to rows in reduction (Keanes white porcelain & 5B)
Last row in oxidation (Keanes white porcelain)

Glaze on glaze

5B with chun base glaze in reduction

From top left going clockwise:

Bright Blue
Bush Green
Blue Gold spangle

bit in middle is Mauve

Glaze on Glaze

5B with chun base glaze in reduction

Going from top left clockwise:

Bright Green
Orange Shino
Leos Bright Yellow

Curl in middle is Red

Glaze on glaze

5B on Copper Red base in reduction

Spots are Leos Bright yellow, Blue Gold spangle and Blue Green brush work

From Left to Right on 5B, decoration done with Chris' white glaze (w. cream)

Harry Memmott base in reduction
Copper Red base in oxidation
Tenmoku base in oxidation
Chun base in reduction
Oribe base in oxidation